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작성자 대한응급의학회
To all our speakers, moderators, leaders and committee


The Second Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress

Dear Colleagues and friends,

The AAEM, EuSEM and SEMES are happy to announce that the

Final Program and the topic assignment for all the session

has been completed. (SEE ATTACHED WORD FILE)

Attached to this message you will find a 20-page document

that includes all the speakers' assignments. You can find

the date and time for the sessions and roles you have been

assigned. You will also find the names of the other

speakers who may be sharing with you a presentation or

panel on a topic and the names of moderators and track

chairs for every session. We will email you separately the

email addresses for any co-presenter or other speakers or

chair/moderator involved in the session.

This is a very large document. We have 8 tracks, 5 days,

and 6 workshops.

To make sure you do not miss a session to which you are

assigned, use the "FIND" feature under "EDIT" once you open

the attached WORD file and "Find" by entering your last

name all the sessions where you are assigned.

Over the next two day, there will be also individual email

notifications naming each session assigned to you, the

names and email addresses of you partners sharing the

session, the team leader (Chair or moderator) and

indicating the required material we need from you

(Audiovisual, CME disclosures).

A handful of names are in red font to indicate presenters

or a matter that still needs confirmation. This will be

finalized in the next week when applicable.

At this point in time, it is essential to contact each

other, to plan you session and presentations.

Most urgent is the need for you to go to the website and to

register for the Congress, social events, and then to

reserve your hotel rooms before they are all gone at the

Melia. There are 430 of you. There are 250 rooms. Most of

them are already gone (we already have over 250 paid


The website provides access to other hotel information for

locations at a walking distance from the Melia (through the

small streets or the beach-walk of a lovely Mediterranean

village). It also provides info to a recommended travel

agent consolidator who can help secure great deals.

Do not wait anymore. This is the time to confirm and set-up

your travel and lodging plans.

Many of the international delegates and speakers will need

a visa and therefore a letter of invitation. Please email

Barcelona@emcongress.org with your request and with any

questions you have.

Submit your abstracts as soon as possible to help us get

the syllabus ready and the abstracts reviewed and scored in

time. The deadline is approaching (July 31st). Let your

associates know.

Our website is recording over 6,400 unique visitors (50% US

and the rest from all over the world), and 1,704 unique

visitors from all over the world who have visited more than

once. The website will reveal the official participation of

over 38 organizations as co-organizers or sponsors. We have

very limited space for Gala and Karaoke Dinner Social

Events. Make sure you secure one of the spots as soon as

possible. There is literally no restaurant that can fit all

of us at the same time in Sitges. Do not wait.

Thank you again for contributing to the Congress with your

support and participation. We are set to develop and

provide an incredible program, to witness the best forms of

international exchanges, to celebrate the specialty of